This was a very interesting email I received from Matthew Graves of WebBizInsider. It is one that made me think about my marketing messages. Perhaps it might apply to you also.
"OK, this might sound a little crazy, coming from someone who runs a site to generate traffic, but here it is!
DO NOT surf or click links until your site is "Traffic Worthy"! Are you spending too much time focused on getting traffic to crappy sites?
I spend a fair amount of time checking sites, surfing on exchanges, checking links, and such, so I get to see a lot of sites that members are promoting using all the different tools we provide. Frankly, a lot of what people are promoting on traffic exchanges and safelists is simply not "Traffic Worthy"!
I am not trying to offend anyone and this is not about personal preference, it is about RESULTS!
Many people spend so much effort driving traffic to their websites, only to get frustrated when they are not getting the results they want. Since some members have great results and others have none, then it isn't the quality of the traffic ... it is the sites that they are promoting.
If you want success, you need to balance your time between developing your offers and driving traffic to your offers. The standard mistake is to spend 90% or more of your time driving traffic and 10% or less actually looking at what you are promoting.
Now, I am not saying that you need to learn HTML and become a website designer. Frankly, that is a waste of your time too because there are so many tools for creating basic sites today that the skill is becoming unneccessary unless it is your full-time occupation. Just join AdKreator, Instant Splash, or use one of the many other tools out there.
Let's do the "Traffic Worthy" Test:
1. When you are surfing, do you see the same page you are promoting over and over again? If Yes, NOT Traffic Worthy.
2. Does your page you are promoting GRAB the viewer's attention in the first 4 seconds? If No, NOT Traffic Worthy.
3. Once you have the attention, does your page communicate the ONE thing which is most likely to create Interest? If No, NOT Traffic Worthy.
4. Does your page have a CLEAR Call to Action telling the viewer what they need to do? If No, NOT Traffic Worthy.
5. Do you have a tracking system in place so you know how much traffic you sent to the page and the results you received in return? If No, NOT Traffic Worthy.
So, if your site is not UNIQUE, ATTENTION GRABBING, SINGLE BENEFIT FOCUSED, ASK FOR A RESPONSE, AND TRACKABLE, then spend your day today modifying or creating a page that is Traffic Worthy.
Focus your attention not on surfing and clicking today. Do the "HARD" work that is more crucial to your success than any other factor ... creating a COMPELLING AND IRRESISTABLE offer that you can promote on the Traffic Exchanges and Safelists.
Most will not do this. I hope that you are one of the few who will take my advice. Success comes to those who do the things that others will not do.
If you are Ready For Results, then click here WebBizInsider "
To your marketing success
Fran Watson
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