Saturday, 12 March 2016

Success is about Focus

"Success is about focus and getting the attention of a great audience. That is what niche marketing is all about." - Matthew Graves

If you haven't heard about Matthew Graves, you are missing out on some great advice and training.  Matthew has daily Periscopes and YouTube videos that can help you grow your business.  
Click here to check it out

I have been following him for quite some time and belong to a number of his mailing lists:  webbizinsider, hotlistmailer, toptiertraffic, splashpagesurfer, and socialmessageconnect.  

He is someone I know, like and trust. (Find out more about this in Matthew's videos).

To your business success

Fran Watson

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Increase Sales

Creating Opportunities To Increase Internet Sales

Several methods can be used for your online business to increase internet sales. Some are proven more effective than others. A great way to boost online sales is to increase traffic on your site. When more people visit your site, you increase your chances of generating sales.

The common mistake that many businesses make is they believe their work ends on getting people to visit the website. Successful internet selling turns visits into sales.

Turning Traffic to Profit

More than just listing the features of your product and the benefits of purchasing it, you must have something to offer your prospects. Offer something 'free' to your customers. When your buyer can get something free, they think of it as a bonus. For instance, if you're selling them a PC, you can offer them free PC scans. The same goes with websites; you can offer your visitors a free newsletter so they can get information about your products or services.

Sales text is important as another way to convince your customer to purchase a product. Most websites fail to give enough attention to this. How can you expect to make a sale when the potential buyer does not have enough information about the product or service? This text should be brief, concise, and informative. The text must answer possible questions a customer might have on a product.

Create an Expert Image

If people find you credible, they will more easily trust you. Your knowledge about the information contained in your site will lead to more traffic if people find your site useful. You can get more readers to your site by publishing articles over the internet, such as in a blog post or an article directory and including a byline. This will provide a background on you (as the author) and provides links to your site that readers can visit to get more information.

Keep Communication Lines Open

If you want to make more sales, you must include as much contact information on your site as possible. Do not just focus on the sales pages, instead include your phone number and contact form to all pages of your website. This will enable potential customers to easily contact you when they see a product or service they'd like to obtain.

By providing as much contact information as possible, people will have confidence in your site. If you sell products online, provide as much means for payment as possible. Provide the most convenient way for your customer to process payments.

Utilize Positive Feedback/Testimonials

If you can, get previous customers to leave feedback about products sold on your website. Post their testimonials on your site for future readers to see. Positive testimonials will help boost online sales because they help to increase trust on your buyer's part.

If you want to give them further assurance, you can offer a money-back guarantee. Giving a guarantee can benefit you in two ways. It gives your buyer the security of returning the product in case they do not find it useful; thus it becomes easier to part with their money and make a purchase. As for the seller, it reflects your confidence in your product that you'd be willing to return the money to a dissatisfied customer.

These are just a few effective sales tips and tricks that you can use to increase internet sales.

To your marketing success

Fran Watson

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Practice Makes Perfect

As mentioned in my previous post, it is important to be consistent.  To improve your skills it is essential to practice on a daily basis.  It takes time to become good at selling products especially door to door.  In order to enhance your sales productivity one must be able to acquire skills as a salesperson.  The necessary skills required to be a successful salesperson include the following.

First, you should be able to present yourself in a professional manner.  To do this you should know how to dress as a successful person.  Remember that first impression means a lot when you are in sales.  It is the initial contact you have with your customer and your appearance could make a big difference when you are trying to develop a rapport to your potential buyer.

It is essential to know what suits you best.  Remember that you are representing the company.  Dressing as a professional is needed.  Having a good selection of wardrobe is necessary.  The nice suits, neckties and shoes are necessary accessories.  Being able to matching your shoes and dress requires considerable trial and error before perfecting your skills.  Experience will be the best teacher.  Doing it as part of your daily routine helps you develop an eye for color schemes and combinations.

The second thing that you must remember is the best way to approach your prospect.  Selling products in a door to door basis requires you to create innovative ways  to effectively approach clients.  Good opening lines and facilitating skills are necessary.  The thing to take note when having a conversation is what is of interest to your client.  This will increase the probability of increased sales because he will provide you the opening you needed to deliver your message.

Making the conversation interesting will make the mood lighter.  This will make it easier for you to communicate (listen and learn) because the customer is letting his guard down.  Injecting jokes or humor in your conversation eases the tension not only for you but for you client as well.  This applies to clients you speak to online, or in your marketing messages you send out.  You need to know what it is your client is looking for before you can tell them about the benefits it will bring them.

The last but certainly not the least thing to remember is to close
.  Closing a deal is crucial when you are selling door to door.   You may not have a second chance.  It is different online where a customer may read the material 5 or 6 times before making a decision to buy.

However, if it is not possible to close right away, make an appointment right away.  You could set an appointment within a few days.  Do not let it pass a week without making any follow up.  The chances of sales will decrease if you set appointments more than one week.  The client will either forget about the appointment or lose interest.  That is why it is important to send out follow up emails as well.

To be the best salesperson you must make sure that you practice your selling skills consistently.  Talk to people and move around.  Action produces results.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes because you will learn from it.  When you stumble, stand up and move forward.  It is not how many times you fell but rather on how many times you stood up.  Your skills will improve through time and when they do, expect that there will be increase sales. 

To your marketing success

Fran Watson

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Being Consistent

I have been following Matthew Graves on Periscope.  He has created a number of really good messages for people who are doing Internet Marketing.

Here is Matthew Graves' message about Being Consistent in your Internet Marketing.  Worth listening to.  Click here to listen

To your business success.
