Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Build Your Audience

Tips from Tamyka Washington about Building an Engaged and Loyal Audience

You have this vision. You have an idea. You know that if you could just get in front of the right people, you can seriously, change some lives. You even know that what you’ve got has value, and if enough people know about it, your life would be so different.

The reality is, doing business online is not as easy as the experts make it sound. You know in order to reap the rewards of your labor, you’ve got to build an audience. But, not just any audience, an engaged and loyal one.

You’re no dummy, you know building this audience is going to take time and effort. You realize that there has to be order, a process to making it happen. That all takes time. So you start to wonder, what should I do in the meantime?

What should you do NOW to get people wanting to know who you are?

While waiting on people to really start taking notice of you and what you do, the best way to help get the ball rolling is to start creating relationships.

Yup, pretty simple, huh?

Now, I don’t mean inboxing people on Facebook or asking people to, “check out” what you do. I mean to really take a strategic approach to cultivating the kind of relationships that will grow over time. You’ve got to identify the type of people who will benefit the most from being connected with you. You also have to understand them and totally relate to where they are coming from.

That’s what makes an audience driven business work, because it takes a real effort on your part to truly get to know them.

Find out more....Click here

To your success

Fran Watson

P.S.  Check out Tamyka's blog  for more great information.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Pull In Profit

How to Pull In As Much Profit As Your Wallet Will Hold
With Email Lists

By Jimmy D. Brown

The fortune is in the list.

If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that said, well,
I'd already have a fortune! :-)

However "broken-recordish" it may sound, it is a truthful
statement.  The fortune REALLY IS in the list.

Fact is, if you possess the knowledge of how to grow
and profit from email lists, you can pretty much write
your own ticket.

And, if you'll read the remainder of this article, I'll
pass that knowledge right on to ya.

It comes down to getting folks to do four things...


First things first, you need to convince
people to subscribe to your list.  That is, get them to
join your list of their own free will.

Usually, this involves giving away a mini-course, report
or newsletter from your web site.  All you need is..

- An Attention Grabbing Title. (I could have chosen "4
  Keys to Successful Email Promotions" for this article,
  but is that as attention-grabbing as "How to Pull in
  As Much Profit As Your Wallet Will Hold From Email

A Handful of Bulleted Benefits. (A short list of 4-6
  desirable things subscribers will learn if they join
  your list. Think "what's in it for me?")

- An Email Submission Form. (Your autoresponder system
  will provide this for you.)

NOTE: The BEST way to get folks to join is to embed the
mentioned items DIRECTLY in the most prominent
place you have your site visitors' attention.  Usually
this is 3-5 paragraphs into your sales letter or 1/3
of the way into an ezine article.


  After visitors to your site have "requested"
information by joining your list, it's critical that your
emails be delivered successfully to their inbox.  With all
of the filters in place (among other hazards) this can be
quite a chore.

One thing you'll want to do for certain is check your
SPAM rating to make certain it's in an acceptable range.
Again, most of the better autoresponder services offer this
feature for you.

If yours doesn't, you can use the free tool at

You can also do things like...

- Get your subscribers to "approve" mailings from you.

- Authenticate yourself as a legitimate mailer when you
  receive a "response challenge" from protection services
  such as Spam Arrest.

- Use alternative formats of your email messages such as
  "downloadable email messages" in PDF format.  ( Free
  report available at )

3. READ.

  When your emails successfully arrive at the
inboxes of your subscribers, another task awaits - getting
them to actually open your message and read it.

This is going to depend upon your "subject line".  It is
paramount that your subject line be intriguing enough to
convince your readers to stop what they are doing and take
a look inside.

One way to get this done is to create a swipe file of
email subject lines that have convinced YOU to read the
messages and then modify those subject lines for your
own use.

Ex.  I received an email that had the subject line of
"This affiliate tip is almost too easy" that caught my
and forced me to read the associated message.

This subject line could easily be used in a variety of
different niches...

- This dieting tip is almost too easy
- This time management tip is almost too easy
- This marriage saving tip is almost too easy

  When you have convinced your subscribers to
open your email message and read its contents, the only
remaining "task" is to get them to respond.

You want them to take action.  Click a link.  Go
somewhere.  Ultimately, spend money with you.

The only way you'll be able to do this is follow a simple
catch phrase I've been teaching for years:  "useful, but

It simply means this:  your messages must provide content
that is useful to your subscribers (otherwise, they'll
unsubscribe faster than you can say "oops"!), but is also
"incomplete" in that there is some additional offer that
could enhance or maximize that content.

Ex.  You might write an article that shares "7 Ways to
Profit With Autoresponders" to send to your list.  That's
"useful" information to those who are interested in that
particular topic.  It's also "incomplete" because they
need an autoresponder service to put the information into
action.  That's your cue to promote your recommended
autoresponder service.

See how it works?

If you want to pad your wallet with profits by using
email lists, this is how you do it:

Get people to do these four things

- Request
- Receive
- Read
- Respond

This is a system that has never failed, will never fail.
I've used it.  Others have used it.

Now, it's your turn to use it.

Jimmy D. Brown is the owner of the "List And Traffic" membership
site, teaching thousands of internet business owners
specific things they can do every week to multiply profits. 
For video training, weekly updated content and printable
checklist "systems" for growing your business,
drop by

I hope you have enjoyed this great tip from Jimmy Brown. Follow his steps and you'll be on your way to profit in no time.

Fran Watson P.S. To get started with your list building, click here